B.I.E.N.E.S: (Beauty Is in Everything, but Not Everyone Sees it.)

- and yes I understand that I did not include the words "in", "but", or " it."
                          Dessert Dance Theme
  1. The theme that I think we should have for our 8th grade dessert dance is Glow in the Dark. I think it best fits our class because it is something different that hasn't been done before, and it would be a lot of fun for everyone to glow in the dark.
  2. My vision for decorating for this dance would be to have a black light or two, and have people wear white clothes. We could also hand out glow-sticks.
  3. I could contribute to making this night special by helping decorate and make sure that everyone is happy with the decision.


About Us

    This website displays pictures of things that people might or might not see as beautiful or adorable. Sometimes all you need is a second glance.  I will talk about some of my opinions and life experiences.

 I am an 8th grade student, and we are all required to create a blog. I wanted mine to be a little more inspirational, so I thought of B.I.E.N.E.S. The pictures on this website are things that I personally view as beautiful or adorable, I think others might think the same.

"Think of all the beauty left around you and you'll be happy." - Anne Frank

"What you do, the way you think, makes you beautiful."-Scott Westerfeld

"By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower"-Rabindrath Tagore

 June 14th                                                                           My Invention

                                            I don't know about you, but I tend to drop my phone a lot. So a while ago, after dropping my phone, I thought to my self, "wouldn't it be awesome if they had memory foam cases for phones, because if you dropped it the foam would cushion the fall. Also, it would be very soft to touch and maybe would soak up liquids if they were spilled on your phone." I think that this is a great idea, and maybe it has already been invented. I googled it and they have them for the iPad, but no phones. I don't care if someone takes my idea because I don't want to do all the work of inventing and designing the cases.  Go ahead, take my idea and I will buy your product.

June 7th                                                                       Cute Crafty Things

I found some very cute crafty things online. They are just little things that would be fun to make, but are nice  to look at!  I also found some cute food crafts and clay charms! The crayon melting art is so pretty but unique. Comment your favorite on the bottom of this website!

  May 29th

Advice for High School Assignment

      I have talked to my mom about things to do, and not to do in High School. She is full of experience and here are some pieces of advice she gave me.

  Always listen to your teachers. Don’t say stupid things to or about your teachers to impress classmates, because it is more important to impress your teacher than friends. You need to stop doing things when they ask and don’t look for trouble. Sometimes you may think a teacher is being sarcastic, but make sure before you continue doing something that they told you to stop. My mom had experience with this when she was in High School. She was tapping her fingers on her desk and the teacher told her politely to stop, but she didn’t listen and got in trouble. She knows now that this was a stupid mistake and that she should have just stopped.

Another thing is that you can never have too many friends. Having friends can make High School flow easily, but make sure you have the right kind of friends or it will cause drama.  Don’t let friends go easily unless they really messed up. Try to hold onto friendships and get past the small fights and arguments. Maybe some day when you’re old you will laugh about your petty fights as teenagers.


Homework should come before your social life or sports. You need to try your best in school because it will determine your future. Stay away from drama- the main reason we go to school is to learn, and being sad in class about a fight will distract you. There will always be people that are better than you at certain things. If you worry about what score they got on a test, then you will feel bad about your own abilities. Some people naturally are better at some things. Maybe you’re great in school, but you don’t have one athletic bone in your body. That’s OK, we all have different strengths.

Always listen to your teachers, friends will help you out, homework comes before a social life, and don’t focus on other peoples success too much.

May 17th                                                                 My New Favorite Artist!

                 I love every type of art, whether it is abstract, watercolor, murals- anything! During my free time, I like to look up artists and their work online. Recently.I came across a man named Leonid Afremov. You may have already seen one of his works without even knowing it! He is not famous, but he is popular in Russia.. I think he has amazing talent, and I love his use of the many colors of oil pastels and oil paint. I took it upon myself to find a way to contact him. I found his website and I wrote him a few paragraphs on how much I love his work- I hope he gets it! Here are a few of his pieces that I think you will like- comment on the bottom of the website which one is your favorite!

  May 16th                                                              School in a perfect world......

         When I think of school in a perfect world, I think of freedom and choices. Many people treat school like a torture chamber, where you lose all your freedom for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. In my opinion, school is an enjoyable experience that allows you to spend time with friends, and get to know people better, while increasing your own personal knowledge. We have it pretty easy at our school, but if I could change some things, here’s what I would change.

       I would have allow students more than one elective.  My elective is E.X.C.E.L, and personally I think that I learn more in that class than many of my other classes. I think that electives will help to introduce you to the college life, where you choose your own path. We also need to have a wider range of electives to choose from. I love E.X.C.E.L, but I have many other interests too. For example, we need to have an art class year round, not just for one quarter. Maybe the new classes could include one particular sport that you can study and get better at. We have P.E, but we don’t focus on the kids’ actual interests, we just rotate through many sports. Some kids would like to focus on one or two sports only.

       I think that we also need to have less homework. I know this is such a common complaint, and that nobody likes homework. I think that we are already at school for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, and we have a life outside of school. If a teacher assigns something, they need to give us time in class to complete it. I know they are doing this to help us, but personally it just stresses me out.

      Another thing that I absolutely despise is tests. What do they even accomplish? They don’t show what you learned, only show what you crammed into your brain last second at home, before school. Tests only show a small amount of the curriculum that your brain soaked in during the lesson.  I think that we need to spend our time thoroughly learning the material instead of taking tests about it. Many of the things that I learned during the lesson/unit are not even on the test! If you don’t know the information on the test, they assume that you didn’t learn anything and they fail you. To me, this is completely unfair.

          School in a perfect world would have way less tests, more electives, and no homework.

May 6th                                                             I Believe...

                        I believe in many different things. If you're talking about religion, I believe in God. Just in general, there are a few main things that I believe in. One thing  is that animals should be treated fairly. I'm not saying that we shouldn't be able to eat them or have them as pets, I just think that if we're going to kill them, we should do it as peacefully as we can, and make them happy before they go.  I think that it's great to have pets, they can boost a young child's self esteem and give them unconditional love. If animals are kept as pets, they should be treated right. They need a good amount of food, water, and care. If you're going to own a pet, do it right and make the animal happy.

                          I believe that war should NEVER be an option. I don't even know how it all started. There are so many brave souls who are willing to risk their lives for the sake of our country- the most selfless thing anyone can do!  I think that we are all human and that we need to be civilized and work things out. It doesn't matter if you hate each other. It doesn't make sense that it is OK to kill each other during war, but then if you kill someone that you hate in every day life, it is illegal and called murder. I don't think we need to be wasting our time plotting ways to kill our enemies. I think that the main cause of war is power, money, land, or just pure evil. Why waste people's precious lives over war. I know that I'm young and it's "complicated" but when it comes down to it, we just need to have a world-wide plan on how to fix problems and sort things out without taking lives.

                                 Another thing I believe is that every single person on this Earth is here for a reason, big or small, important or not important. If you think that there's not a reason then you're wrong, because even making someone smile one time, or doing something nice puts you here for a reason. Not everyone can be a Mother Teresa, and not everyone is cut out for doing what she did. There are many other ways to help people other than feeding them or taking care of them. One thing that people mix up is that you only made the world better if you're well known, or popular. Like being nice doesn't count if people don't know about it. Some people only want everyone to know their name, they don't care about if it's for doing a good thing or a bad thing.




Since I just posted what I think are the best things in the world, I decided to post the WORST things in the world.

                  May 2nd                                  The Worst Things in the World

  1. Waving back at someone who wasn't waving at you.
  2. Accidentally breaking/tearing something that you need or love.
  3. When someone's dog sniffs you rabidly and barks at you for no reason.
  4. Waking up in the middle of the night with no blankets on.
  5. The smell of a skunk cabbage plant.
  6. When someone steps on your feet, and you're wearing open-toed shoes.
  7. Making a baby cry.
  8. Getting a paper cut.
  9. When your phone runs out of memory.
  10. When you tell your parents a story to make them laugh, but get a lecture instead.
  11. Chasing your dog off the road.
  12. Falling twice while doing the long jump in P.E.
  13. Biting into something really cold.
  14. Realizing you're out of conditioner when you're in the shower.
  15. Singing when you think no one is listening.
  16. Sitting on a wet chair.
  17. When something you make doesn't turn out right.
  18. When people take what you said the wrong way.
  19. Finding a spider in your house.
  20. The feeling of wrinkly hands (after a bath or shower) on a dry towel.

                          May 1st                                  The Best Things in The World

    1. Waking up and realizing you still have more time to sleep.
    2. Saying something funny at the perfect time.
    3. Buying something that you've wanted forever.
    4. Taking off your shoes after a long day.
    5. When all your clothes are clean and hanging in your closet/ in your drawers.
    6. The smell of gasoline at the gas station.
    7. Taking your hair out of a ponytail.
    8. Seeing a double rainbow.
    9. Stargazing on a trampoline.
    10. Stepping into warm water.
    11. Walking on dry sand.
    12. Getting a sincere compliment.
    13. Giving someone something they really want.
    14. Going down a steep drop on a roller coaster.
    15. Taking the perfect picture.
    16. When a baby falls asleep on you.
    17. When someone forgives you and you don't deserve it.
    18. Laughing for no reason.
    19. Walking barefoot on grass.
    20. The first day of summer.

      April 25th                                          SUMMER!

          I absolutely love every single thing about summer- no school, sunny weather, swimming, vacations, friends. Every year I count down the days until summer. I usually go on some sort of family vacation and spend a lot of time outside. I love the smells, activities, and sights of summer. Even though I love summer, I can never decide which season is my favorite. Winter has snow and Christmas, Fall has leaves and a new school year, spring has flowers and rain, and summer has sun and free time. I decided that I like all seasons equally. I enjoy being in water, and luckily the Mary's River runs right behind our house. We have a spot where we can go down in the river, where nobody else is. Here are a few pictures of what I think of when it comes to summer.

    May 1st                                                                                                                      Elena's Blog

            I love reading Elena's blog! Her blog is about her crazy and lucid dreams. There is one dream in particular that she talked about that I loved, but they are all good. Elena is a skilled writer and story teller and I always look forward to reading her posts, Don't just take my word for it, read for yourself. Click on the link on the title of this post to transport to Elena's blog!

     April 23rd

        My friend Emily Cohen thinks she is sooo funny, so she makes fun of my blog because it name is b.i.e.n.e.s. She thinks of it as "beans" like the food.  She is always laughing at me and saying,,,,," Hi, my name's Brianne...and I like beans." For some odd reason she thinks this is absolutely hilarious. Just to mess with her, I'm adding a few pictures of beans.

        April 23nd

         If I could cure one disease, it would be cancer. There are over 100 types of cancer, and so many people are affected by it. The problem with cancer is that the cells in the body continue to grow and divide, creating lumps called tumors. There is no known cause for cancer other than genetics or a trigger like the behavioral environment that a person is in. The three types of cancer treatment are surgery, chemotherapy,and radiation. It makes me so sad when I hear of another person that found out they have cancer. There is usually hope though, because of the many new treatments doctors are discovering. I don't think it is fair for anyone to get cancer, you did nothing wrong to receive it. It would be great to find the cure to cancer, not for glory, but to help the people that suffer through it.

         About a year ago my grandma was diagnosed with cancer. I don't remember what type it was, but I know she was struggling. My dad went to Washington where she lives and helped her through treatment, while the rest of my family stayed home. She's OK now, and the treatment was successful. I hear about all of the people that have recently been diagnosed with cancer and I get sad. I thought that by now, doctors would have found a reliable cure. I think that they will some day soon, and that there is always hope.

         The best way to help someone out who is struggling through cancer is to just be there for them. Always let them know that you're available at any time. Listen to how their feeling and do your best to help them. Personally, my Grandma's best way of coping was talking about what she was going through and just knowing that we cared.

       April 19th

         I don't know why , but I think that almost anything to do with hair is beautiful. My favorite hair color would probably be black or red. I love it when people have naturally deep black hair or natural red hair. I think it is more rare than brown or blonde. I added a few pictures of girls hair that I wish I had.

       April 19th

          Flowers. I think that every flower is beautiful in its own way. I can't believe that they actually grow around us. They amaze me with their colors, shapes, and smells. My favorite flower is a white rose. I really like any color of rose, but white is my favorite because I think it looks elegant and graceful.  I added a few pictures of some beautiful flowers.

      April 22nd

          I would absolutely love to travel. The only problem is that my parents don't want to spend the money on it, and I'm deathly afraid of flying. Paris is one place I would LOVE to go to. Everything about it is beautiful. I know there are many great places to travel, but I think Paris would be unforgettable. The Eiffel Tower is probably what it is best known for. I added a few pictures of Paris- one of the Eiffel Tower at night, and one of  a majestic bridge.

      April 19th

           Another place I would love to travel is Greece. I love the blue water and beautiful ruins. I have wanted to go there as long as I can remember. I added a few pictures that display the true beauty of Greece.

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